
Download e book viewer
Download e book viewer

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Most eBooks are available with either a 1-year rental period or with lifetime access. Once you have selected a title you wish to purchase, click on it to open its product page and view the Buying Options.

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To order, browse our catalogue of titles. Please note that Emond Reader eBooks are not compatible with Kindle eReaders or Kobo eReaders.Įmond Reader eBooks are available for purchase online. The application permits the copying of up to 2000 words per day per title and printing of up to 2500 words per day per title.Įmond Reader files are compatible with most devices, including Apple (iOS and macOS), Windows, and Android. This format preserves illustrative diagrams and charts as well as sample forms and precedents, and also maintains pagination so that eBook page numbers correspond to hardcopy page numbers.Įmond Reader tools include cross-title boolean searching and highlighted annotations which are searchable and may be divided into categories. Emond Reader is a proprietary app which formats our publications in a way that ensures compatibility, security, and ease of use.


To access your Emond Reader eBook, you must install the free Emond Reader App on your device.


ReadEra Premium – best app for reading books Epub, PDF, Mobi, Azw3, Fb2, Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, RTF), ODT documents and PDF viewer for Android.About Emond Ebooks | Purchasing an Ebook | Downloading the Emond Reader App | Accessing your Ebooks | Emond Reader Tutorial | Technical Support | Frequently Asked Questions Or read Microsoft Word documents, PDF, Epub and Mobi books, switching between them by the "Active apps" system button. For example, you can simultaneously read Epub books and PDF journals by placing them on the device screen in split-screen mode (two windows). The book reader allows reading several books and documents at the same time.


For example, even if you delete files and download books again, you’ll be able to continue reading books from the last read page.

download e book viewer

The reader doesn’t copy books and documents into its store detects duplicate files, saves bookmarks, quotes, notes and the current reading page, even when files are moved or deleted. Highlight text with color in books and documents add personal notes to the selected texts.Įconomized memory usage. Zoom option for PDF file and Djvu file when you read PDF and read Djvu. Customizable type of font, size, boldness, line spacing and hyphenation for, Epub, Fb2, Kindle (Mobi, Azw3) formats, Microsoft Word, TXT and ODT files. Screen orientation, brightness and page margins adjustment, including in PDF and DjVu files. Color modes when reading books: day, night, sepia, console. Navigate the book using thumbnails, the progress line or the page number pointer. Quick access to the table of contents, bookmarks, quotes, notes and other ebook options. Books and documents can be added to several collections at the same time. The Collections tool (bookshelves) allows creating personal thematic collections. Book reading lists: To Read, Have Read, Favorites.Ĭollections (Bookshelves).

download e book viewer

For example, just download an Epub book, PDF journal, Microsoft Word documents or PDF article from the Internet so they appear in the reader for reading. The reader for books, ReadEra, reads all popular book formats, Microsoft Word documents and Kindle mobile formats in one app.īook manager for your library. – Data and settings are automatically copied from the free version. – You pay once and will be able to install ReadEra Premium on all your devices. Discover the thumbnails for yourself, and then try to do without them! Thumbnails for all pages of a book being read – quick visual navigation through the book or document. Thoughtful, simple algorithm for working with quotes and notes. Additional colors to highlight quotes or text in books and documents you read. Customize the view of displaying books and documents in the library: full, brief, thumbnails, grid. You can upload your fonts and use them for reading books and documents. This is a new, exclusive section in the ReadEra Premium menu. All quotes, notes, bookmarks and reviews from all books and documents are collected in one place. Synchronize books, documents, reading progress, bookmarks, and quotes with Google Drive on all your devices.


ReadEra Premium - book reader allows reading books for free, offline in PDF, EPUB, Word (DOC, DOCX, RTF), Kindle (MOBI, AZW3), FB2, DJVU, TXT, ODT and CHM formats.

Download e book viewer